Super Star Trek (Creative Computing)
Commodore 64

Many versions of Star Trek have been kicking around various college campuses since the late sixties and in many variations. However these were all a far cry from the one written by Mike Mayfield of Centerline Engineering and/or Custom Data. This was written for the HP2000C and completed in October 1972. It became the “standard” Star Trek in February 1973 when it was put into the HP Contributed Program Library and onto a number of HP Data Center Machines. In the summer of 1973 David H. Ahl converted the HP version to BASIC-PLUS for DEC’s RSTS-11 compiler and added a few bits and pieces while he was at it. Mary Cole at DEC contributed enormously to the task. Later that year he published it under the name SPACWR in his book 101 Basic Computer Games. In 1978 he tweaked it again and put out this super version in the book “BASIC Computer Games – Microcomputer Edition” where it could be put into PET computers and the C64, amongst others.


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