Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket Powered Battle-Cars
PlayStation 3

Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket-Powered Battle-Cars features unique rocket-powered cars with incredible manoeuverability, including the ability to rocket into the air or accelerate at supersonic speeds.

In this team-based football game, players maoneuver their vehicles to perform breathtaking saves, awe-inspiring shots and achieve speeds that literally turn your opponents into scrap metal.

Wide-ranging community involvement is supported through team play, as well as extensive and thorough statistical tracking, rankings and rewards for individuals and teams, including support for trophies.

The game features three single player modes as well as team and league matches and scrimmage matches online.

Using the full featured in-game video editor, players will have the ability to save, upload and share their amazing triumphs and hysterical battle-car antics to their hard drive or even upload clips directly to YouTube.


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