Tanks 3000
Commodore 64

In Tanks 3000, two to four players take to their tanks and battle against each other. Destroy your enemies and the last man standing is the winner. The game features ten totally different maps with terrains ranging from deserts to snowy wastelands, fighting arenas to mountains or swamplands. Additionally, you can select the number of mines in the menu. These mines will be randomly distributed over the field to make things more hazardous. To add to the fun, there are several interesting extras available to use against your foes, the player can:

– activate a shield, which makes you (almost) invulnerable
– use the camouflage mode which lets you merge with the background
– remotely detonate rockets that are in flight… with devastating results!
– affect the other players, by adjusting their steering, movement or speed

Also published in GO64! 2005/01 (preview version). This game requires 4-player-adapter for more than 2 players on original hardware.


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