The Bouncing Kamungas
Commodore 64

You play as a watermelon farmer armed with a pitchfork. In the middle of a thunderstorm, a swarm of bouncing Kamungas have descended upon your fields. You have to plant and defend watermelons until they can be harvested by defending your crop from the hungry Kamungas. These bouncing creatures can only be defeated by standing underneath the Kamungas, and holding your pitchfork aloft so that they land upon it. If a Kamunga lands upon a watermelon, they will eat it. Players are awarded points for every mature watermelon harvested.

Players must avoid multiple dangers. If a Kamunga lands upon their head, they will lose a life. One must be careful to avoid marauding snakes. If the player holds their pitchfork aloft when lighting strikes, they will be electrocuted. When a player loses 3 lives, it is game over.

This game was also published in Loadstar #35


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