Turbo Outrun (Mega-Tech)

The Mega-Tech System is an arcade cabinet released by Sega in 1989, and Western counterpart to the Mega 6. It was based on the Sega Mega Drive home console, and was designed similarly to Nintendo’s PlayChoice-10: players chose games from a menu of eight titles, with credits buying more play time (usually 1 minute per credit) rather than extra lives or continues; reaching a game over screen does not end the play session, and players can start over or choose a different game as long as there was some play time remaining. The Mega-Tech was not released in North America, though did see use in Asia and the PAL regions.

Turbo OutRun has the player make a journey across the United States of America, from New York to Los Angeles. It is a more linear game than its predecessor, offering no forks in the road and therefore less of an incentive to play the game again after completion.


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