Pixel Addict Magazine

New issues of Pixel Addict and Amiga Addict available now

Avaliable to order are the latest editions of Pixel Addict and Amiga Addict magazines. Pixel Addict Issue 10 includes:​ The history and the legend of SGI, the company behind the Silicon Graphics workstations that enabled next generation movie effects and powerful 3D design. Lara Croft: Tomb Raider movies starring Angelina Jolie. Archer Maclean memories – New issues of Pixel Addict and Amiga Addict available now

Issue 9 of Pixel Addict out now

Pixel Addict, the multi-format retro tech magazine from the same people as Amiga Addict, has just launched its Issue 9. The cover story is about the cultural impact of the original PlayStation, which features guests including Violet Berlin (Bad Influence), Dominik Diamond (GamesMaster), Geoff Glendenning (Sony), Glen O’Connell (Psygnosis), Julian “Jax” Rignall (Virgin Interactive), Alex Issue 9 of Pixel Addict out now