Avaliable to order are the latest editions of Pixel Addict and Amiga Addict magazines.
Pixel Addict Issue 10 includes:
- The history and the legend of SGI, the company behind the Silicon Graphics workstations that enabled next generation movie effects and powerful 3D design.
- Lara Croft: Tomb Raider movies starring Angelina Jolie.
- Archer Maclean memories – Pixel Addict remember the man behind iconic games such as Archer Maclean Pool, Dropzone, IK+ and others.
- Definitive gaming with Sid Meier’s Alpha Centauri and Broken Sword.
- New column from our special guest Tom of the Wi-Fi Sheep YouTube tech channel.
- Rare vintage computer hardware including the Camputers Lynx and Apple III.
- Part 2 of Mike Nurney’s A-Pet custom computer case series.
- Classic PC hardware buying retrospective.
- Doncaster Video Games Market 2023 show roundup.
- Gaming on the new Atari VCS console.
- We visit North West Computer Museum to report back on their launch event.
- G.I. Joe – Zartan (Master Of Disguise) toys and collectables.
- Magazine chat featuring ST/Amiga Format.
- Iomega Zip Drives.
- BASIC programming guide.
- Regulars such as News, Homebrew Heroes, readers’ points of view and ex-Ocean Software’s Simon Butler.
- Plus lots lots more..!
Amiga Addict Issue 19 includes:
- The sensational Sensible Software! We get the inside story on this groundbreaking games studio from founding member Jon Hare, and legendary pixel artist Stoo Cambridge.
- Free coverdisk download of Public Domain puzzlers.
- New Amiga games Aquabyss, Luma and NEONnoir reviewed.
- The best in classic gaming including Jimmy White’s Whirlwind Snooker, Hired Guns and a Turrican II remake.
- Six Of The Best sees Neil of the Indie Retro News website pick his favourite Amiga games.
- Amiga CD32’s hidden “3D chip”, the Akiko.
- Next Generation Amiga web browsers and online utilities.
- The Story Of The Guru Meditation Error.
- Amiga Ireland event show report.
- Sensible Soccer’s social club, London Calling 5.
- Mega Lo Mania: The Forgotten RTS.
- DJ h0ffman shows off the latest and greatest Amiga Demos in our Demoscene section.
- Our regulars including former-Sensible Software’s Stoo Cambridge, Amiga news, User Groups, Classic Coverdisk Of The Month and readers letters.
- Plus lots lots more..!
Pixel Addict is available to pre-order here, and Amiga Addict is available here.