Omega Orb

Omega Orb – new improved brain-straining arcade adventure – with added shoot-em-up Blast and Zap! And brought to you in glorious BLIPVISION!
BLIP, the bouncing Omega Salesdroid, has been transported to the high-tech mining complex of Mynix. Help him find pieces of core material with which to repower his crippled cruise ship. The lives of a thousand space holidaymakers are in your hands!
Omega Orb has everything! An orgy of exploration and mapping; Code-doors; barriers; lifts and mind-warping puzzles to solve; mindless zapping of hostile droids; 146 Blipvision screens of brilliant graphic detail; 32 objects; Interactive communication with computer network; Buying and selling of lives; And guest appearances by Head Maxroom – and SPRECO, star of the Thunderstruck series.”


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