Amstrad CPC

You are Skaal the rabbit, the last survivor of a race exterminated by the tribe of OHMS. Your dear fiancée, Culnegonde, was kidnapped by the DST (Délapinisation sur Terre). Your goal is to find your beloved and to rabbit to repopulate the Garenne. It is enclosed in a castle which you must discover the secret entrance hidden in the valley. The explanations are brief. For example, you cannot change direction easily. And for what reason, mystery … The “Help” button does not help much or returns a plethora of insults. At startup, you have money and you must take the objects you meet, a key, a cauldron, playing cards. It is impossible to have more than three objects, the only solution is the exchange. Avoid the Amanite of the Caesars, because it will offload you the most money. With a little luck, you can manage to glean some indications from the gunsmith or the druid, but, again, the explanations are confused. The handling is rather off-putting. With a good stock of carrots, you will reach the end of your adventures. (Softhawk diskette for Amstrad).


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