The Valley

The Valley is the original text/graphics real-time adventure. Can you enter the deadly depths of Vounim’s Lair or climb the horrible heights of the Black Tower? To find out, you’ll have to cross The Valley itself – and that isn’t going to be easy!
You can use your character, from barbarian to wizard, from warrior to thiker, and dare the death dealing monsters to come and get you! Each time you fihgt and win you gain experience, each time you lose…
All combat is real-time and you have to make decisions rapidly and quickly – sword or spell, attack or retreat?
It takes skill, cunning and an adventurous mind to succeed in The Valley and recover the helm. Master of Destiny awaits you if you make it, a long wooden box if you but stumble on the way.
Characters can be saved onto tape (from the safe castles) for when you need a rest. Have you got what it takes to tackle this classic epic of adventure?


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