Vulcan is a third entry in R. T. Smith’s World War II trilogy, including Arnhem and Desert Rats. It simulates the Tunisian Campaign in 1942-43 from the arrival of the ‘Torch’ Task Force and their race for Tunis, to the final battle of ‘Operation Vulcan’. There are 5 armies (3 Allied & 2 Axis) and 5 scenarios, including the battles of Kasserine and Mareth. Each scenario has several pre-conditions to start from, which include Axis control Malta, Axis capture Bone, DAK (Deutsches Afrika Korps) destroyed, Desert armies late, and French neutrality. The gameplay is flown on scrolling map by turns. Player selects the units and gives them orders. Units move on the grid of rectangular cells. Landscape objects influence on the movement. For example, mountainous terrain allows hidden movement, or river blocks the way. Air attack phase is possible between turns. The game comes with detailed instruction booklet and includes historical notes on the campaign, maps and photographs. Two players representing Allied and Axis may be computer or human.
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