In the year 2045, the Earth was attacked by aliens from Sirius. Looking like insects and believed to be related to the insect life forms known to humans, the Sirians have shown no mercy: a third of the human population was annihilated. This assault led to the dissolution of all political borders on the Earth. The humans have united to defend themselves against the common enemy. An organisation called the Fist of Earth was formed to defend the planet, and its most important military base, the SolBase, built in orbit. The Fist of Earth sends a fighter pilot navigating the FOE-57 spacecraft on a series of missions to stop the Sirians and protect humanity. Warhead is a mission-based space combat simulation. Objectives include destroying enemies, protecting friendly forces, as well as search and.rescue missions. The player proceeds to the next mission after having completed the preceding one. The space ship is navigated with the mouse; the keyboard controls offer autopilot modes, multiple weapons including mines and stinger missiles, an HUD display, multiple viewpoints, targeting and navigation, all of which must be used during combat.
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