Latest games added to Antstream Arcade, including first PlayStation game for the system, Loaded.

We’ve updated our mega list of Antstream games, with the latest games added to the retro-game streaming service. The new games included Loaded – the first PlayStation game added to Antstream. The line-up of newly added games include: Amiga​ Fire & Forget II Amstrad CPC​ Cybernoid II: The Revenge Splat! Who Dares Wins II Arcade​ Latest games added to Antstream Arcade, including first PlayStation game for the system, Loaded.

Revocade is a tabletop arcade machine with interchangeable control decks

Revocade is a Raspberry Pi based tabletop arcade machine being made by Retro Dim Sim with interchangeable control decks. Instead of having separate machines with joysticks, driving wheels and trackballs – the Revocade does it all. The machine is made with plastic injection molding and the Raspberry Pi main board is also pre-installed so there Revocade is a tabletop arcade machine with interchangeable control decks

New versions of H.E.R.O for Atari 7800 and VIC-20 coincidentally being made by unrelated devs

Fans of the game H.E.R.O are in for a treat, as versions of the game are being released or developed for Atari 7800 and VIC-20 machines. A.R.T.I for the Atari 7800 was developed by MuddyVision and a demo is available to download on the AtariAge forums. The developer says, “A.R.T.I. is my take on a New versions of H.E.R.O for Atari 7800 and VIC-20 coincidentally being made by unrelated devs

Mike Dailly makes GTA2’s game design documents available on his website

Mike Dailly, the creator of Lemmings and GTA, has made the design documents for Grand Theft Auto 2 available on his website. As well as docs for GTA2, the website also features design information and history for Lemmings and the original GTA. You can find the GTA docs by going to -> Pictures/Projects -> Mike Dailly makes GTA2’s game design documents available on his website

Dungeon crawler, Black Dawn Technomage, available for pre-order for AGA Amiga’s

Black Dawn is a series of dungeon crawler games for the Amiga, which was started back in the nineties by Andy Campbell. The original shareware games caught the attention of Tim Gilbert and Shaun Watters who approached Campbell for permission to make their own Black Dawn game. Watters and Gilbert made several more games in Dungeon crawler, Black Dawn Technomage, available for pre-order for AGA Amiga’s

Big2Small is a new game available in physical edition for GBC, Dreamcast and N64

Big2Small is a new puzzle adventure game where you try and guide the animals to their corresponding food of choice, and is set for release for Game Boy Color, Dreamcast and Nintendo 64 as physical editions. “There are a few obstacles along the way which you must navigate in order to reach your goal. Each Big2Small is a new game available in physical edition for GBC, Dreamcast and N64