
You can now play Tetris – the Electronika 60 version – on the Tetris website

In celebration of Apple’s Tetris movie, the Tetris company have put a version of the very first Tetris game to play on their website. The Tetris game was originally created by Alexey Pajitnov in 1984 on an Electronika 60 computer. Due to the limitations of the device at the time, there weren’t graphic capabilities so You can now play Tetris – the Electronika 60 version – on the Tetris website

Developer, Mark Moxon, has recreated every Acornsoft box screenshot by hand

Mark Moxon, a UK-based web developer, has recreated every Acornsoft box screen shot by hand. Moxon says, “I hand-crafted these images during the lockdown of 2020. It was a surprisingly therapeutic experience, and I had plenty of time to devote to making these shots as pixel-perfect as possible. That said, the original box screenshots were Developer, Mark Moxon, has recreated every Acornsoft box screenshot by hand

Limited edition ZX Spectrum Deluxe Collectors Box released ahead of new Speccy Doc

Ahead of a new documentary on the ZX Spectrum, comes a limited edition Deluxe Collectors box, featuring a copy of the film, and various other pieces of Speccy merch. The new film, The Rubber-Keyed Wonder: 40 Years of the Sinclair ZX Spectrum, is being made by Anthony and Nicola Caulfield who are the duo behind Limited edition ZX Spectrum Deluxe Collectors Box released ahead of new Speccy Doc