
Upcoming Books: Shareware Heroes, Video Games that saved my life, The Games that Weren’t

Here are three upcoming books that may be of interest to retro gamers – two of them are being funded by crowdfunding, so take action if they interest you. Shareware Heroes​ Shareware Heroes: Independent Games at the Dawn of the Internet takes readers on a journey, from the beginnings of the shareware model in the Upcoming Books: Shareware Heroes, Video Games that saved my life, The Games that Weren’t

Emulator ZEsarUK to add MSX support

It looks like the emulator ZEsarUX is to add support for the MSX system, as can be seen by the Youtube video below: The emulator by Cesar Hernandez Bano, currently supports Sinclair and ‘sinclair aligned machines’ such as Amstrad CPC Jupiter Ace and Sam Coupé. ZEsarUX runs on multiple platforms such as Windows, Linux, MacOS, Emulator ZEsarUK to add MSX support

“When watchmakers made computers” – an interview with Kevin Palser on his iOS zx81 emulator

Did you know you can play some ZX81 games on your iPhone? We speak to Kevin Palser about his ZX81 emulator for iOS devices. We assumed that Palser grew up with a ZX81, hence writing the emulator, but that wasn’t the case at all! “I never owned a ZX81 whilst growing up” says Palser. “The “When watchmakers made computers” – an interview with Kevin Palser on his iOS zx81 emulator

Sega to launch tiny, tiny game gear to celebrate the company’s 60th anniversary

As part of Sega’s 60th Anniversary celebrations, the company have launched a tiny, tiny version of the Game Gear handheld console – well four tiny versions to be precise. The Game Gear Micro comes in four colours – Black, Yellow, Blue and Red – and each device comes with four games. Sadly this means you Sega to launch tiny, tiny game gear to celebrate the company’s 60th anniversary

Bubble Bobble gets unofficial Pico-8 ‘demake’

Coder, Paul Hammond, has launched a port of Bubble Bobble for the PICO-8 ‘fantasy console’. The ‘demake’ features 90 levels and, like the original, can be played as a two-player game. The Pico-8 game can be played here: Hammond is no stranger to PICO-8 demakes and conversions having also coded versions of Frogger, Bubble Bobble gets unofficial Pico-8 ‘demake’

Civilization creator, SiD Meier, to release autobiography

Legendary game designer, Sid Meier, has written an autobiography to be launched in September. Meier is one of the world’s most influential game designers, having created games such as Pirates!, F-15 Strike Eagle, Railroad Tycoon, Alpha Centauri and Civilization. Civilization (MS-DOS) Pirates! (Commodore 64) The book, entitled Sid Meier’s Memoir!, tells the story of the Civilization creator, SiD Meier, to release autobiography

Evercade add second Lynx compilation cartridge to its line-up

Evercade have announced its latest cartridge for its upcoming handheld games console. Atari Lynx Collection 2 features eight Lynx games including California Games, Chips Challenge and Blue Lightning. The full line-up is as follows: California Games Chips Challenge Checkered Flag Todd’s Adventures in Slimeworld Electro Cop Gates of Zendocon Zarlor Mercenary Blue Lightning In February, Evercade add second Lynx compilation cartridge to its line-up

Escape Velocity remake, ‘Cosmic Frontier: Override’ gets Kickstarter launch

Fans of Macintosh shareware game, Escape Velocity Override, now have the opportunity to back the remake of the game on Kickstarter (see our previous report here). Like the original, the new version – entitled Cosmic Frontier: Override, is a single-player space trading game with missions. Imagine if Elite and Asteroids had a baby and you’re Escape Velocity remake, ‘Cosmic Frontier: Override’ gets Kickstarter launch