TFW8B launch SD Card reader for BBC Micros

The Future Was 8 Bit have launched SD2BBC, an SD card reader for Acorn’s BBC Micro range. The product works with the BBC Model B, BBC Model B+ and BBC Master 128k. A separate version is available for the BBC Master Compact, which plugs in to the joystick port. They say:

New retro-inspired handheld, Evercade, Launches first trailer

Evercade, the upcoming handheld console aimed at retro gamers, have unveiled their first trailer for the system. Evercade is described as “is a brand new handheld console with unique multi-game retro cartridges from leading games publishers and console platforms” The handheld can also be played on a TV via HDMI cable and doesn’t require an New retro-inspired handheld, Evercade, Launches first trailer

RetroPie 4.5 released

Popular emulation front-end, RetroPie, has been bumped up to version 4.5. The new version adds new themes, support for grid view, and adds new emulators as well as upgrades to existing emulators. However, the new version doesn’t yet support the newly launched Raspberry Pi 4, and there are currently issues with using composite video out. RetroPie 4.5 released

Retroarch to support real CD-ROMs for 3DO, PSX, Mega CD and more

Popular emulation front-end RetroArch have announced the RetroArch Disc Project, which will allow users to run original CD-ROMS for various platforms via the RetroArch software. Original FFVIII disc running via RetroArch Currently the system will run on Linux or Windows – with a CD-ROM drive. I’m sure it won’t be long before people are creating Retroarch to support real CD-ROMs for 3DO, PSX, Mega CD and more

Nintendo to consider adding other retro games to Switch Online

Last week Nintendo held their 79th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders. They were asked “when we can expect content from more recent past consoles” to their Switch Online service. As translated by, they said: “At this place we cannot tell new information about future classic hardware among others, but we are thinking about providing Nintendo to consider adding other retro games to Switch Online