As well as the 50 (as yet unknown) Atari games included in the Atari VCS system, owners will now have access to all of the Antstream catalogue**.
Atari say:
* supposedly upcoming
The Atari VCS was announced in 2017, with pre-orders available in a crowdfunding campaign that launched in May 2018, raising over $3 million. Atari told backers “We know you will treasure the memories you’ll make with this new platform, just as so many of you did with the original Atari consoles. We can’t wait to send it right to your doorstep next summer!”.
Summer came and went, and there’s still no sign of the VCS or — more importantly — very little information on what is actually happening, and to say that backers are frustrated is an understatement.
The Register has summed up the current situation in this article here.
** You get a free month, after which you have to pay. So apart from the Atari games available on the VCS Anstream, this is not really much to shout about. Anyone with a PC or Mac can sign up to Antstream anyway. And maybe buy a copy of Atari Vault on steam, to get your Atari fix…