
New Mega Drive cart: Alice Sisters

Alice Sisters is platform / puzzle that was released in 2020 by Orionsoft. Although launched on Windows, the game was originally written for the mega drive, and it is now being published as a physical cart by PixelHeart. “The big mountain villain captured the mom of Alice and her sister.​ Help Alice and her sister New Mega Drive cart: Alice Sisters

Cheats for Evercade Games

Sometimes old games are just plain hard. Here is a series of tips and cheats for the Evercade cartridges: Codemaster Collection 1 Cheats Gremlin Collection 1 Cheats Related posts: Every secret and hidden game on the Evercade VS, EXP and original Handheld Hardware Review: Evercade Two new Evercade carts announced: Toaplan Arcade 2, and TheC64 Cheats for Evercade Games

The Amiga Tank Mouse is back!

Ever longed for the days of the Amiga Tank Mouse? Do you really fancy using one on your new modern fangled computer? Well, now you can! A new crowdfunding effort by AmigaNews aims to relaunch a modernised version of the classic mouse. They say: Tank Mouse is a brand new computer mouse, inspired by the The Amiga Tank Mouse is back!

To celebrate 40th anniversary of BBC Micro, Galaforce 2 source code released

Kevin Edwards, the programmer of Galaforce 2 for the BBC Micro, has released the source code for the game on GitHub to celebrate the anniversary of BBC Micro. Galaforce 2 was the follow up to his classic arcade shooter Galaforce. Edwards says: ​ “In 1987 I began writing this sequel to the successful ‘Galaforce’ shoot-em-up To celebrate 40th anniversary of BBC Micro, Galaforce 2 source code released

Three more Channel F ports created by Arlasoft: 2048, Threes and Centipede

Arlasoft has been busy creating more Channel F games! Three new games have been launched for the system: 2048, Threes and Centipede 2048 for Fairchild Channel F​ A game for the Fairchild Channel F, written in F8 assembly language over the course of around 24 hours.​ This is the classic modern-day mobile puzzle game 2048. Three more Channel F ports created by Arlasoft: 2048, Threes and Centipede