Galactus is a new shoot-em-up for the ZX Spectrum Next by Kevin Phillips. Phillips says the game is inspired by classic arcade games, but also shooters from the 80’s console/computer era such as Spider fighter, Space Quarks, Arcadia and Attack of the Timelord.

The game features 8 attack levels, 2 bonus scoring levels (with rapid fire) and a boss level, and supports both keyboard and joystick.
If you are interested in coding, and how the game works, Phillips has also provided a 74 page PDF code break down guide for the entire game, data and more; Attack pattern creator, along with PDF User guide that also contains instructions how to use the program for your own projects; Level designer tool used to create the game levels in Galactus; and Original source code for all 3 programs in text file format.
You can download the game here.