Pre-orders for Analogue’s FPGA TurboGrafx clone, Duo go live at today 8am (PDT)

Analogue Inc., known for its FPGA-based recreations of classic gaming consoles, has announced pre-orders for its latest product – the Analogue Duo. A machine that can play all the formats and variants of NEC’s PC Engine. Analogue say of the Duo, “Duo is an all-in-one reimagining of perhaps the most underappreciated video game systems of Pre-orders for Analogue’s FPGA TurboGrafx clone, Duo go live at today 8am (PDT)

New Puzzle Bobble game comes to Switch, and original SNES versions to download

Next week, a new entry in Taito’s Puzzle Bobble series will launch on the Switch, digitally and physically. The new game, Puzzle Bobble Everybubble, sees you once again taking on the role of Bub, Bob or one of the other characters no-one plays, and popping lots of bubbles. Puzzle Bobble, (also called Bust-a-Move in Western New Puzzle Bobble game comes to Switch, and original SNES versions to download

Evercade launch new Game of the Month, and beta support for button mapping

Blaze Entertainment have announced their new Evercade EXP and VS update which features the new Game of the month, and beta support for button mapping. The second game in the 2023 Game of the Month lineup is a 16-bit platformer from the creative mind of independent developer Sergio Poverony. Thunder Paw was first released onto Evercade launch new Game of the Month, and beta support for button mapping

The ZX Spectrum gets its own version of Sensi, with Speccy Soccer

Voxel Tower, who previously brought the Sensible Soccer experience to the Amstrad have released Speccy Soccer – a football game for 128k Spectrums. They say “Speccy Soccer is possibly the most complete soccer/footy simulator for your zx spectrum 128kb. You will be able to experience all the excitement of soccer with a fast gameplay and The ZX Spectrum gets its own version of Sensi, with Speccy Soccer

Through the Trap Door and West Bank get TI-99/4A ports thanks to Rasmus Moustgaard

Rasmus Moustgaard has ported the ZX Spectrum games, Through the Trap Door, and West Bank to the TI-99/4A. Through the Trap Door was the follow up to Don Priestly’s Trapdoor games, which was famous for its large graphics. It doesn’t quite work as well as the Spectrum original sadly. Moustgaard said “Unfortunately it wasn’t possible Through the Trap Door and West Bank get TI-99/4A ports thanks to Rasmus Moustgaard