RAM OK ROM OK Issue 118, October 1989
MGT’s Super Spectrum, SAM Coupé arrives

Last month, Miles Gordon Technology presented their 8-bit computer to the press. The SAM Coupé features 256K or 512K of RAM, upgradable to 4.5MB. The new microcomputer should run ZX Spectrum games, so there is a big library to get on with, while waiting for SAM-specific titles.
The SAM Coupé should be available to buy from November 1989.
Atari launch Game Boy-beater, Lynx

The Atari Lynx
Atari have launch the Lynx – a 16-bit colour screen hand held console. The console has a backlit display, and can be joined with other Lynx hand-held for multiplayer action. The system comes with a copy of Epyx’s classic California Games, and other launch titles include puzzle game, Chip’s Challenge; shooters, Electrocop and Gates of Zendocon; and flight combat game, Blue Lightning.
In other Atari news – the company are also launching enhanced versions of its 16-bit system. The Atari STE features an increased colour palette (4096), and other hardware improvements.
Holy Amigas, Batman!

Commodore have reduced the price of its Amiga 500 to £399, and have a new bundle. The Batman Pack features Ocean’s Batman game, based on the recent movie; flight-sim, F/A-18 Interceptor; arcade hit, The NewZealand story – and Deluxe Paint II for all you budding artists.
Mastertronic set sights on 16-Bit market

Mastertronic, known for their budget 8-bit games, are launching a new budget range for Amiga, Atari ST and IBM PC compatibles.The new range, called 16-Blitz will launch with titles including Road Wars II, Motorbike Madness, Kelly X and World Darts.
Fast Forward:
Despite the all the press telling us at the time that the SAM Coupé would be compatible with ZX Spectrum games, it wasn’t quite as simple as that. Quazar from samcoupe.com tells us: