Starting this month is a regular round-up of retro-gaming themed crowd-funding projects. Projects are listed in order of urgency, so those ending soonest are nearer the top. All details are correct at time of publication.
8-Bit Symphony Pro – double orchestral CD of 8-bit classics

“On Saturday 15 June 2019, 800 people had an unforgettable night when 8-Bit Symphony was premiered live at Hull City Hall. They heard over 100 minutes of Commodore 64/ZX Spectrum/Amstrad CPC music, performed by an expanded Hull Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Robin Tait”
The aim of this Kickstarter is to recreate all 16 tracks of the night using a Hollywood-grade 85-piece orchestra, supervised by SID-Supremo, Rob Hubbard.
Ends: September 8th 2019
Goal: £65,000 (currently at £43,562 funded)
Rewards include: Digital double album, CD double album, 2 x CD double album, Signed CD double album, Deluxe Pack, Concert tickets, Youtube Channel usage, Commercial game usage and more.
Where: Kickstarter
Coleco: Berzerk and Frenzy

Coleco’s Kickstarter is making new games in its classic shape mini arcade toy, under the banner of Coleco Evolved. The new games are Frenzy and Bezerk.
Ends: 14th September 2019
Goal: $65,000 (Currently $18,204)
Rewards include: Coleco Evolved Rainbow Brite Mini Arcade, Coleco Evolved Robotech, Coleco Evolved Frenzy, Coleco Evolved Bezerk, and various combinations.
Where: Kickstarter
The ZX Spectrum Experience

The ZX Spectrum Experience is a documentary by Will Brooker. The aim is to capture the love and memories people have for the 8-bit computer. “There are stories about dads, brothers and sisters bonding over Hungry Horace or Harrier Attack; stories about kids bringing bags of big-box Ultimate, Ocean or US Gold cassettes into class so they could swap copies; stories about sitting in a cold 1980s bedroom and becoming lost in the fantasy environment of Avalon.”
Ends: October 22nd 2019.
Goal: £1,100 (currently at £981)
Rewards include: Digital download of documentary, Extended footage, Sponsor package
Where: Kickstarter