The ZX Spectrum Next is an evolution of the original ZX Spectrum, and based on the idea of what Sinclair could have made if given the chance at the time. The next is fully compatible with the original computer, and has expanded capabilities, such as larger memory, palette and graphics modes. It was originally launched in a Kickstarter in 2017. The new version has had some tweaks based on feedback from the original.

The Next smashed through all of its stretch goals including the top one, which was to be a new version of the classic game Head Over Heels made with the help of original author, John Ritman.
Henrique Olifiers, the organiser of the project said:
“The sheer amount of support, passion and dedication to the ZX Spectrum is simply unbelievable, 38 years on since its debut and we keep on going from strength to strength. Clearly, there’s no stopping the mighty Spectrum!
In the coming weeks, as we start working to manufacture and deliver your Next, we’ll be unveiling some neat surprises we’ve been getting lined up in the past few weeks. We’ve got to show you the results of the stretch goals, update on the progress of the games in development, and announce some new titles that will be made exclusively for the Next — expect the unexpected…”
Find out more about the Next here.