In Net Yaroze Month, we are playing every Net Yaroze game featured on the UK Official Playstation Magazine, and ranking them all in the order we liked them. You may have other opinions as to the ranking, which is awesome.
To learn more about Net Yaroze, read our introductory article here.

I’m a big fan of a Boulder-dash clone, especially a polished one such as Rocks ‘n’ Gems.
First-up, you might want to switch the game to easy mode first of all, and change the Pad Response to Low, as it is far too fast otherwise.
The game is frustrating, but in the way that you know it’s your fault when you stuff things up, so there’s a big desire to keep playing.
If you’ve never played Boulder Dash before, the aim of the game is to collect gems, while avoiding boulders falling on your head, enemies catching you, or blocking yourself in. Once you have collected all of the gems you can make your way to the exit and on to the next level.
Just when you are getting used to the status quo, as you progress, other elements are added to the mix to keep things interesting.
For example, Level 2 introduces monsters you can drop rocks on, to turn them into a pile of gems. Level 3 adds dynamite, which you can use to blow up impenetrable areas and set fire to oil barrels. Plus the ability to use keys to pass locked doors. Later on you discover that there are different colour keys for different colour locked doors.
I love Rocks ‘n’ Gems. The style and polish reminds me of the late Edgar M. Vidal’s Deluxe Galaga and Deluxe Pacman.
Game: Rocks ‘n’ Gems
By: Gerhard Rittenhofer and Manfred Tucmandl
Genre: Action / Puzzle
Available on Euro Demos: 33, 42, 77, 82, 86, 91, 92
Net Yaroze Month rankings:
Rocks ‘n’ Gems really is a gem of a game and I can see myself coming back to this time after time.
- Blitter Boy
Rocks n Gems
- Terra Incognita
- Super Bub Contest
- Robot Ron
- Decaying Orbit
- Psychon
- Haunted Maze
- Roller
- Gravitation
- Adventure Game
- Katapila
- Tanx
- Opera of Destruction
- Video Poker Simulator
- Between the Eyes
- Bouncer 2
- Yaroze Rally
- Sphere
- Blockz
- Surf Game
Still to play:
- Yarozians
- PingPing
- Game Involving Triangles
- Pssst
- Squeak
- Shroud
- Total Soccer Yaroze
- Time Slip
- Sam the Boulderman
- Technical Demo
- Pushy IIb
- Pandora’s Box
- Down
- Snowball Fight
- Arena
- A Dog Tale
- Mah Jongg
- Samsaric Asymptotes
- Hover Car Racing
- Clone