In Net Yaroze Month, we are playing every Net Yaroze game featured on the UK Official Playstation Magazine, and ranking them all in the order we liked them. You may have other opinions as to the ranking, which is awesome.
To learn more about Net Yaroze, read our introductory article here.

In Sphere the idea is to trundle around the terrain collecting flags, while avoiding enemy spheres. If you take too long to collect the flags, they re-appear again, so you need to be quick.
Although you have the ability to shoot, it’s really tricky to actually hit anything, and if the enemy spheres hit you once, it’s game over.
The game would have been improved immensely with a map or at least some guide to know where the flags might be. The ability to change your viewpoint would have helped to. As is, the game is a little frustrating sadly.

Game: Sphere
By: Peter Dollochan
Genre: Maze / Puzzle
Available on Euro Demos: 83
Net Yaroze Month rankings:
Sphere is a good idea, but a bit flawed due to some frustrating elements.
- Blitter Boy
- Terra Incognita
- Super Bub Contest
- Robot Ron
- Decaying Orbit
- Psychon
- Haunted Maze
- Roller
- Gravitation
- Adventure Game
- Katapila
- Tanx
- Opera of Destruction
- Video Poker Simulator
- Between the Eyes
- Bouncer 2
- Yaroze Rally
- Blockz
Still to play:
- Surf Game
- Rocks n Gems
- Yarozians
- PingPing
- Game Involving Triangles
- Pssst
- Squeak
- Shroud
- Total Soccer Yaroze
- Time Slip
- Sam the Boulderman
- Technical Demo
- Pushy IIb
- Pandora’s Box
- Down
- Snowball Fight
- Arena
- A Dog Tale
- Mah Jongg
- Samsaric Asymptotes
- Hover Car Racing
- Clone